When I first got in touch with the “blogging thingy” it was early 2008. My first post there was:

“Just to try this blogging thingy out :-)”

In the following years I blogged about many topics and things that were interesting to me, but mainly about photography as it is the topic that I am passionate with. Some times I blogged every 2 days… and sometimes I left it down for a long time. As blogging platform I then choose Blogger, which was at that time a very easy to use tool.  So, time went by and blogger is still easy to use, but I miss the possibilities and flexibility that other newer blogging tools have offered in the last years. One good example is WordPress which is an open platform with gazzillions of widgets and gadgets that make blogging fun again!

So, today I am closing my blogspot over at Blogger and will be using WordPress for my blog form now on. The old blog will still remain there as a legacy, but wont be updated anymore.

Bye-bye old blog… hello new blog!


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